Adult Education

Massage Therapy

Type of Program

National Credential


Southwest Tech


August 27th, 2024 - May 29th, 2025


3-8pm Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday

Program Cost


Program Description

Get trained for a career in one of Vermont's promising jobs; Massage Therapy. Students will learn all the skills and techniques necessary to earn industry recognized credentials as a massage therapist.

You will focus on knowledge of human anatomy- what the body systems are, how they function in both health and disease. You will also learn how the body moves since massage therapy=muscle therapy. Students will learn how to effectively treat muscles, become competent in Swedish massage, and learn self-care techniques. There will be ample amounts of hands-on learning.

This 500+ hour program will be divided into nine - 4 week modules including: Anatomy and Physiology, Kinesiology, Pathology, the benefits and effects of soft tissue manipulation, and much more!

Graduates will be prepared to take the national Massage and Bodywork Licensing Exam (MBLEX) in order to become a Vermont Registered Massage Therapist. You can work in a variety of settings such as spas, wellness centers, doctors offices, private practice, and more.

Need help paying the tuition? VSAC has grants and scholarships specifically for adult learners that can help. Contact Martha McCaughin at 802-786-8840 or to discuss your options.